vpnclient-win-msi- - Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7
PREREQUISITE: Windows Vista users, ensure you have installed: Windows6.0-KB952876-x86.msu
The client requires a kernel patch, KB952876, from Microsoft before
installing the actual client. It is also suggested that Service Pack 2 for Vista be installed.
REF: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/952876/en-us
VPN Client takes longer to connect on Vista compared to XP. This is due to
new features in Vista.
The Cisco VPN Client for Windows Vista and Windows 7 does NOT support the following:
* System upgraded from Windows XP to Vista or Windows 7 (clean OS installation required).
* Start Before Logon
* Integrated Firewall - See workaround below.
* InstallShield
* 64bit support
* AutoUpdate
* Translated Online Help - Provided only in English
If you are experiencing a BlueScreen on XP related to the VPN client built-in
Firewall client, please follow the workaround below.
Known Issues:
CSCtj25702 Windows GINA shows BEFORE VPN GINA in one case w/SBLWaitForVPNConnection
CSCsf10635 unity client disconnect-verizon evdo/at&t 3G card changed ip .
CSCsi25985 unity vista: user not prompted to reconnect after sleep or hibernation
CSCsi26001 unity xp-vista: reauth on rekey with saved password causes disconnect
CSCsi26020 unity vista: firewall tab under stats still shows
CSCsi26050 unity vista: installshield packge does not work on vista
CSCsi26069 unity vista: error 1721 when installing client on vista 64bit
CSCsi26086 unity vista: upgrading from xp to vista not supported
CSCsi26159 unity vista: bsod during install/uninstall/sleep with active ras
CSCsi26229 unity vista: integrated firewall not installed on vista
CSCsi35107 unity vista: start before login “sbl” not functioning
CSCec02663 Auto Initiation fails on 9x/Vista on boot up
Resolved Issues:
CSCti92867 - SBL: Stop establishing VPN by prompt pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del for winlogon
CSCti49867 - SBL: Packets not encrypted if VPN is established during Windows logon
- add 2 new registry keywords to hklm\software\cisco systems\vpn client:
* DWORD SBLWaitForVPNConnection - tells the GINA will wait for VPN Connection before handing
control back to user to continue Windows logon
* DWORD SBLWaitForVPNConnectionTimeout - (optional) timeout in seconds of SBLWaitForVPNConnection
loop, default is 4 mins
NOTE: If SBLWaitForVPNConnection is not set, then the GINA behaves like it has in the past. But if
SBLWaitForVPNConnection is set, then it will hang the GINA until
a) a vpn connection is completed or
b) the timeout value is reached.
For further details : http://www.cisco.com/