2000AD 1734 (18-05-11) (John Williams-DCP)
Batgirl 021 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Batman And Robin 023 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Boy Comics 049 (1949) (c2c) (Darkmark-DCP)
Bring The Thunder 04 (2011) (Slimer-DCP)
Daredevil and Batman Eye for an Eye (1997) (Bchry-DCP)
DC Comics Presents #68 (April 1984-DC) c2c (Comixbear-SCC-DCP)
DC Comics Presents 070 (1984 (c2c) (ed209-DCP)
DC Comics Presents 071 (1984 (c2c) (ed209-DCP)
DC Comics Presents 073 (1984 (c2c) (ed209-DCP)
DC Comics Presents 074 (1984 (c2c) (Rapture-DCP)
Fables 105 (2011) (c2c) (AngelicProletariat-CPS-DCP)
Fables 105 (2011) (noads) (AngelicProletariat-CPS-DCP)
Fail of The Dead 01 (2011) (Slimer-DCP)
Fear Itself 001 (2011) (2nd Printing Variant) (Cover ONLY) (ScanDog & ArtNet-DCP)
Flash 159 (Mar 1966) (c2c) (Fin Ende-DCP)
Flash 161 (May 1966) (c2c) (Fin Ende-DCP)
Flash 162 (Jun 1966) (c2c) (Fin Ende-DCP)
Flash 163 (Aug 1966) (c2c) (Fin Ende-DCP)
Flash 164 (Sep 1966) (c2c) (Fin Ende-DCP)
Flash 165 (Nov 1966) (c2c) (Fin Ende-DCP)
Flash 166 (Dec 1966) (c2c) (Fin Ende-DCP)
Flash 167 (Feb 1967) (c2c) (Fin Ende-DCP)
Flash 168 (Mar 1967) (c2c) (Fin Ende-DCP)
Flash 171 (Jun 1967) (c2c) (Fin Ende-DCP)
Flash 172 (Aug 1967) (For Jeff) (c2c) (Fin Ende-DCP)
Freak Angels 136 (2011) (ScriptoplexRip-DCP)
Green Hornet - Golden Age Remastered 06 (2010) (c2c) (Darkmark-DCP)
Green Hornet 004 (1940) (5 stories) (rpt) (Darkmark-DCP)
Hellblazer 279 (2011) (c2c) (AngelicWezzy-CPS-DCP)
Hellblazer 279 (2011) (noads) (AngelicWezzy-CPS-DCP)
Herc 03 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Hulk 030.1 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Hulk 031 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Hulk 032 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Hulk 033 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Incredible Hulks 628 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Justice League of America 57 (2011) (Avalon-SCC-DCP)
Kato Origins 08 (2011) (2 covers) (c2c) (HW-DCP)
Largo Winch 07 - Golden Gate (2011) (c2c) (The Man-Arrr-Tee-DCP)
Legion of Super-Heroes 13 (2011) (Avalon-SCC-DCP)
Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies Comics 095f (1949) (c2c) (Darkmark-DCP)
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man 013 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Marvel Adventures Super Heroes 014 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Marvel Vision 014 (1997) (c2c) (ArtNet-DCP)
Mercy Thompson - Moon Called 06 (2011) (c2c) (HW-DCP)
Outsiders 039 (2011) (Bchry-DCP)
Outsiders v4 039 (2011) (c2c) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)
Power Girl 024 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Punisher Barbarian with a Gun TPB (Bchry-DCP)
Punisher Max 013 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Rotten 08 (2010) (SlimerDCP)
Silver Surfer 02 (of 5) (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Silver Surfer 03 (of 5) (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Silver Surfer 04 (of 5) (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Spawn - Architects of Fear (c2c) (2011) (phaze-DCP)
Spider-Man Collectible Series V13 (NY Post Giveaway) (2006) (c2c) (TonyZ & ArtNet-DCP)
Spider-Man Collectible Series V14 (NY Post Giveaway) (2006) (c2c) (TonyZ & ArtNet-DCP)
Spider-Man Collectible Series V21 (NY Post Giveaway) (2006) (c2c) (TonyZ & ArtNet-DCP)
Spider-Man Collectible Series V22 (NY Post Giveaway) (2006) (c2c) (TonyZ & ArtNet-DCP)
Spider-Man Collectible Series V23 (NY Post Giveaway) (2006) (c2c) (TonyZ & ArtNet-DCP)
Spider-Man Collectible Series V24 (NY Post Giveaway) (2006) (c2c) (TonyZ & ArtNet-DCP)
Spider-Man Handbook (2006)(c2c)(bZc-DCP)
Spontaneous 01, Free Comic Book Day Edition (2011) (FCBD - c2c) (Minutemen-DarthProletariat-DCP)
Star Wars - Jedi - The Dark Side 01 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Supergirl v5 064 (2011) (c2c) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)
Superman - Batman 084 (2011) (c2c) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)
Teen Titans 95 (2011) (Avalon-SCC-DCP)
The Amazing Spider-Man 661 (2011) (c2c) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)
The Spirit 014 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Thunderbolts 157 (2011) (GreenGiant-DCP)
Tip Top Comics 011f (1937) (c2c) (Darkmark-DCP)
Transformers - Foundation 04 (of 04) (2011) (GiantGreenGoat-DCP)
Transformers v2 019 (2011) (all covers) (GiantGreenGoat-DCP)
Ultimate Avengers vs New Ultimates 04 (of 06) (2011) (c2c) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP)
Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates 001 (2011) (2nd Printing Variant) (Cover ONLY) (ScanDog & ArtNet-DCP)
Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates 001-002 (2011) (2nd Printing Variant Cover Poster Join) (Covers ONLY) (ScanDog & ArtNet-DCP)
Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates 002 (2011) (2nd Printing Variant) (Cover ONLY) (ScanDog & ArtNet-DCP)
Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates 04 (of 06) (2011) (2 covers - c2c) (AngelicProletariat-CPS-DCP)
Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates 04 (of 06) (2011) (2 covers - noads) (AngelicProletariat-CPS-DCP)
Velocity 04 (of 4) (2011) (Slimer-DCP)
Wolverine Legends v6 Marc Silvestri Book 1 TPB (Bchry-DCP)
X-Force & Youngblood (1996) (c2c) (Minutemen-MegaNet-DCP)

Astonishing X-Men 037 (2011) (Minutemen-TwizToons)
Avengers 005 (1998) (Minutemen-Fiji)
Avengers 006 (1998) (Minutemen-Fiji)
Avengers 007 (1998) (Minutemen-Fiji)
Avengers 013 (2011) (Paul Renaud X-Men Evolutions Variant) (Minutemen-MegaJackal)
Avengers Academy 14 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Avengers-Squadron Supreme '98 (1998) (Minutemen-Fiji)
Batman - Arkham City 01 (of 05) (2011) (2 covers) (Minutemen-UncleStrangehead)
Batman Confidential 51 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Batman Confidential 52 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Black Panther - The Man Without Fear 518 (2011) (Minutemen-TwiztidTew)
Chaos War - Ares (2011) (Minutemen-VengeanceServedCold)
Chaos War 05 (of 05) (2011) (Minutemen-VengeanceServedCold)
Crossed - Psychopath 02 (of 06) (2011) (four covers) (Minutemen-DTs)
Daken - Dark Wolverine 09 (2011) (Minutemen-DarthSax)
Darkwing Duck 12 (2011) (two covers) (Minutemen-DTs)
Deadpool MAX 08 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Dean Koontz - Nevermore 02 (2011) (2 covers) (Minutemen-UncleStrangehead)
DMZ 65 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Doctor Who - A Fairytale Life 02 (of 04) (2011) (Minutemen-XxxX)
Elephantmen - Man and Elephantman 01 (2011) (2nd Printing Variant) (Minutemen-DarthSax)
Elephantmen 31 (2011) (Minutemen-DarthSax)
Fear Itself - Spider-Man 01 (of 03) (2011) (Minutemen-TwizToons)
Fear Itself - Youth in Revolt 01 (of 06) (2011) (Minutemen-TwizToons)
FF 003 (2011) (Patrick Zircher X-Men Evolutions Variant) (Minutemen-Megalixir)
Halo - Fall of Reach - Covenant 01 (of 04) (2011) (Minutemen-DarthSax)
Hellblazer 275 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Hellblazer 276 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Hellblazer 277 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Hellblazer 279 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Herc 003 (2011) (John Christopher Tyler X-Men Evolutions Variant) (Minutemen-MegaJackal)
Heroes for Hire 07 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Hulk 033 (2011) (3 Covers) (Minutemen-Fiji)
Hulk 33 (2011) (Greg Tocchini X-Men Evolutions Variant) (Minutemen-MegaJackal)
Invincible Iron Man 504 (2011) (Brandon Peterson X-Men Evolutions Variant) (Minutemen-MegaJackal)
Jonah Hex 64 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Jonah Hex 65 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Journey Into Mystery 623 (2011) (Larry Stroman X-Men Evolutions Variant) (Minutemen-MegaJackal)
Lady Death 05 (2011) (two covers) (Minutemen-DTs)
Last Mortal 01 (of 04) (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Legion of Super-Heroes 13 (2011) (Minutemen-inviskid)
Malignant Man 02 (of 04) (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Marvel Zombies Supreme 04 (of 05) (2011) (Minutemen-VengeanceServedCold)
New Avengers 012 (2011) (Khoi Pham X-Men Evolutions Variant) (Minutemen-MegaJackal)
Night of the Living Dead - Death Valley 02 (of 05) (2011) (three covers) (Minutemen-DTs)
Noche Roja (2010) (c2c) (fixed) (Minutemen-DTs)
Ozma of Oz 06 (of 08) (2011) (fixed) (Minutemen-Sha-Hic!)
Paying For It (2011) (c2c) (Minutemen-DTs)
Power Girl 20 (2011) (Minutemen-Oracle)
Power Girl 21 (2011) (Minutemen-Oracle)
Power Girl 22 (2011) (Minutemen-Oracle)
Red Sonja - Revenge of the Gods 03 (of 05) (c2c) (2011) (Minutemen - Penner)
Red Sonja - Revenge of the Gods 03 (of 05) (noads) (2011) (Minutemen - Penner)
Science Dog Special 02 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Secret Avengers 012 (2011) (2 covers) (Minutemen-TwizToons)
Secret Six 30 (2011) (Minutemen-Castalia)
Secret Six 31 (2011) (Minutemen-Castalia)
Secret Six 32 (2011) (Minutemen-Castalia)
Skaar - King Of The Savage Land 03 (of 05) (2011) (Minutemen-Fiji)
Soldier Zero 08 (2011) (three covers) (Minutemen-DTs)
Super Dinosaur - Origin Special 01 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Super Dinosaur 01 (2011) (c2c) (Minutemen-Love as Arson)
Super Dinosaur 01 (2011) (Second Printing Variant Cover) (Minutemen-DTs)
Supergirl 063 (2011) (Minutemen-DrMadroxPhD)
Superman 707 (2011) (Minutemen-DrMadroxPhD)
Superman 709 (2011) (2 covers) (Minutemen-DrMadroxPhD)
Superman 710 (2011) (Minutemen-DrMadroxPhD)
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents 07 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Tank Girl - Bad Wind Rising 04 (of 04) (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
The Amazing Spider-Man 661 (2011) (Mario Alberti X-Men Evolutions Variant) (Minutemen-Megalixir)
The Amazing Spider-Man 661 (2011) (two covers) (Minutemen-DTs)
The Flash 12 (2011) (two covers) (Minutemen-DTs)
The Li'l Depressed Boy 04 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
The Spirit 10 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
The Spirit 11 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
The Spirit 12 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Thunderbolts 157 (2011) (Minutemen-ThosTew)
Tiny Titans 40 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Transformers - Foundation 03 (of 04) (2011) (Minutemen-DarthTremens)
Transformers - Rising Storm 04 (of 04) (2011) (Minutemen-DarthTremens)
Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates 04 (of 06) (2011) (two covers) (Minutemen-DTs)
Uncanny X-Force 10 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs)
Uncanny X-Force 10 (2011) (with Iron Man 2.0 #3) (Minutemen-DTs)
Wolverine 08 (2011) (2 covers) (Minutemen-VengeanceServedCold)
Wolverine 08 (2011) (two covers) (Minutemen-DarthSax)
X-Factor 219 (2011) (Minutemen-E)
X-Men 011 (2011) (David Lopez X-Men Evolutions Variant) (Minutemen-MegaJackal)
Youngblood & X-Force (1996) (c2c) (Three Covers) (Scandog & Minutemen-MegaNet-DCP)
Zatanna 013 (2011) (Minutemen-UncleStrangehead)
All credit goes to the scanners, editors and original sources.
Don't see what you're looking for? It's probably not scanned yet. As soon as it's released by DCP or Minutemen, it will be included in the pack.
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