Desert Son


In this visually arresting and gritty drama, a teenage boy named Phillip is abandoned in the desert by his Stepfather. Surviving just long enough to make his way into an abandoned mining town, he meets two mysterious orphans, Jack and Lucy, who reluctantly invite the desperate stranger into their broken dystopia. Boiling with jealousy over the growing bond between Phillip and Lucy, Jack leads them back to civilization and on a spree of increasingly dangerous crimes. When the unthinkable happens, and the burden of guilt begins to weigh too heavily, the group violently unravels.


torrent name size uploader age seed leech
1.3 GB phatz 12
0 0
4.2 GB AMHJ 12
0 0
712.5 MB ChrisAksel 13
0 0
701.9 MB tebezoo 13
0 0
700.2 MB fasamoo 13
0 0