"EARTHQUAKE MINDSHAKE, End Time prophecy update 2013, reality is only a click away:
A must see presentation of the latest news in relation to Bible prophecy. Millions of
mutated giant rats the size of cats in the middle east, giant size mosquitoes twenty times
their normal size expected to arrive this summer in Florida and biblical plagues of locust
invading Egypt and the middle east. This special presentation should be shared with all
the people you love and care for, family and friends, Christians and non believers alike.
There is something here for everyone weather you are a christian or not.
EARTHQUAKE MINDSHAKE makes a great salvation tool in helping wake up the masses
that still believe that everything is the same as it once was and that all will continue on as
at has in the past. Things are not the same though, life as we once knew it has changed.
We were warned two thousand plus ago that these things would happen, and folks it's
going to get alot worse. "EARTHQUAKE MINDSHAKE" will take you an a journey that will
leave you with your jaw dropped and your knees buckled at the site of the power of
nature and of the one who controls it all. Are you a christian who has unsaved loved ones
or people you know who are in a backslidden state.
The future is just ahead and Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes.
Is world war 3 at our back door? Are we on the brink of seeing a one world government
and a new monetary system? Is the final pope here now? And is the antichrist getting
ready to take world stage? Has the judgments of God begun to fall?
Is the rapture of the bride of Christ about to take place? Is the church about to hear the
trumpet of God and the voice of many waters say come up hither.
Many people are saying all is okay, that the world will fix itself but NOT THIS TIME. Time
on this planet is almost up and I am not talking about the Mayan prophecy's or
Nostradamus. The prophecies concerning the times in which we live were prophesied
about thousands of years ago and all that was written within those ancient texts are now
unfolding before us. Mass animal death's occurring around the world, blood moons and
solar eclipses, incurable disease and natural disasters that are coming on all mankind.
This is a wake up call to us all, It's time to prepare for what is coming next. ARE YOU
READY to stand up, and look up for the soon return of the king of kings and Lord of Lords
Jesus Christ.
Fasten your seatbelt and get ready to take a hair splitting Revelation ride!!! And
experience the truth of where you are today and where your future lies. God is giving us
his final warning today so that we can warn the people we love and care about. While the
world spins out of control, we can live in peace having assurance that God is in total
This video is not meant to scare anyone but to give hope in this present time of trouble.
God knows what he is doing and though we live in dark times it will one day end with the
glorious rapture of his church.
THE DAYS HAVE ARRIVED, THE HOUR IS LATE we need to warn and wake up the people
we love. The the clock has jumped to one minute before midnight and as I write these
words the clock is counting down and I pray that the church is not found in a deep slumber
but has it's lamps trimmed, filled with the oil ready to meet her King. It's up to you and I
as believers to make our mark while we still have breath in our lungs and yell from the
rooftops that time is almost up, to finish the race that has been set before us.
We still have work to do and now is the time to make a difference.
WARNING the events that you are about to see are real and may be disturbing to some
Put your spiritual 4D glasses on now and let us begin our journey...
Father, I would ask that you would open the eyes of the lost, the backslider and of anyone
who seeks your truth. Let them see that Jesus your only Son is the only way out of this
mess and that you are simply just waiting for them to say yes to your gift of salvation.
Kings and Queens, the rich or the poor touch their hearts and allow them to see the love
that you have for each one of them, in the mighty name of your Son Jesus Christ Amen.
"IN A NUTSHELL" Updated - 2013:
This is a update to "IN A NUTSHELL" with a personal twist at the end and a 2013 update
with a short clip from my newest video. THIS IS A MUST SEE! What is going on in the
Jesus Christ is getting ready to return, the rapture is at the door, revelation is happening,
the book is open, prophecy is being fulfilled in front of our very eyes. Extreme weather
changes, including earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes. New diseases and viruses, wars
around the world, demonstrations, nation against nation, famines, mass animal death,
murders, seas turning blood red, as well as the governments getting ready to chip it's
citizens just as the Bible describes, are we truly living in the last days?
Earthquakes 2012 Update:
This video is the second study of its kind as an update to the original produced in 2010.
This update applies very valuable information learned from the 2011 Japanese
earthquake. This video teaching was given at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa during the 2012
Creation Science Investigation conference which featured Dr. Walt Brown's Hydroplate
Theory. www.Creationscience.com
Major Earthquakes and Birds, Fish, and Animals dying off:
DiMora brings you up to date on the recent earthquakes and the reports on birds, fish, and
animals dying off. These are only some of the signs Jesus told us to look for in the last
Signs - Part 34:
A compilation of various short clips presenting the apocalyptic signs which are occurring
around the world today and help us identify the state of affairs ushering the end of days.
View what's been happening in our time and determine for yourself the onset of
Revelations and what may lay ahead.
This download also includes the following videos...
Above top Secret Earth stuff Post Glacial Rebound Effect
Chemtrails And Geoengineering_ former Premier of BC Bill Vander Zalm
Chemtrails connected to UN 2013 Report_ Earth is in the midst of a Mass Extinction of Life