Compiled and edited by
Brigitta M. Dobratz
December 15, 1972
334 pg.
Tons of charts and tables of very hard to find data.
From the preface,
This handbook presents information and data for high explosives of interest to
programs of Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. The loose-leaf format is designed to
permit easy revision and updating as new information and data become available. Thus,
additions and corrections are welcomed by the compiler.
High Explosives (HE) are divided into two classes : initial detonating or primary
explosives and non-initiating or secondary HEs. The primary HEs, such as azides and
fulminates, are extremely sensitive to ignition by heat, shock, and electrical discharge;
ignition goes to high-order detonation even for milligram quantities. Their use is
therefore limited to squibs and starting materials for low-energy detonators. Since primary explosives have little application here, their properties have been specifically
excluded from this compilation. Hereafter, secondary explosives are designated as
HEs. Since many of the secondary high explosives (which are formulated and manufactured within the AEC complex) are mixtures, the properties of the additives and
binders used have been included.
The data are the most up-to-date and accurate available to the knowledge of the
compiler. Some data, however, can represent only a range, an approximation, or
comparative values; this is especially true of explosive mixtures . Such cases are
noted in the text as they occur. The sources of information include textbooks, journal
articles, technical reports , memoranda, letters , and personal communications. Var-
ious schemes considered in the past to annotate the tables with the apposite references
proved too cumbersome. However, an attempt is made in this revision and will be
continued in subsequent revisions to provide precise references to the information and
data presented. Data not specifically referenced were obtained from UCRL-14592 ;
further information and additional references can be obtained from the compiler.
References are listed at the end of each section.
The compilation consists of sections on high explosives and mock explosives,
code designations, data sheets on individual materials , and a bibliography. A list of
abbreviations precedes the section on high explosives. The data are given in the units
(metric or English) in which they were reported originally. All values and units,
however, are converted to the International System of Units (S.I.); throughout this
handbook the SI values are given in parentheses following the values in English or
metric units. The limits are given in the table below and on other tables and figures
where used. Reference to a company or product name in this compilation does not imply
approval or recommendation of the product by the University of California o r the U. S.
Atomic Energy Commission to the exclusion of others that may be suitable.