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║ Θ RELEASE NOTES ║█████████│██│██┌┘ └┐██└┤██│ │█████████│
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║ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ║
║ ALBUM ARTIST : Boy George & Pete Tong ║
║ TITLE : Dance Nation ║
║ TRACKS : 26 ║
║ RELEASE DATE : 1996 ║
║ FORMAT : FLAC, Single track, seamless ║
║ RATING : You be the judge! ║
║ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ║
║ The first of a series of Dance Nation compilations mixed by the likes ║
║ of Boy George, Judge Jules and Pete Tong for Ministry of sound. ║
║ ║
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║ ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
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║ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ║
║ CD1 ║
║ ║
║ [101] Everything But the Girl - Missing ║
║ [102] Tak Tix - Feel Like Singing ║
║ [103] Individual - Skyhigh ║
║ [104] Inner City - Your Love ║
║ [105] Gat Decor - Passion ║
║ [106] Wildchild - Renegade Master ║
║ [107] Ramp - Rock the Discotek ║
║ [108] Pizzaman - Happiness ║
║ [109] Andronicus - Make You Whole ║
║ [110] Vincent Covello - Loving You More ║
║ [111] Astrofarm - Strings (Ain't What They Used to Be) ║
║ [112] Billie Ray Martin - Imitation of Life ║
║ ║
║ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ║
║ CD2 ║
║ ║
║ [201] The Crystal Method - Keep Hope Alive ║
║ [202] Donna Giles - And I'm Telling You (I'm Not Going) ║
║ [203] Transformer 2 - Just Can't Get Enough ║
║ [204] Technocat - Technocat ║
║ [205] Happy Clappers - I Believe ║
║ [206] Judy Cheeks - Reach ║
║ [207] Montini Experience - My House Is Your House ║
║ [208] Ethics - To the Beat of the Drum (La Luna) ║
║ [209] Quench - Dreams ║
║ [210] Hed Boys - Girls + Boys ║
║ [211] Ezee Possee - Everything Starts With an E ║
║ [212] Amos - 4 da Floor (Come Away) ║
║ [213] DJ's Rule - Get into the Music ║
║ [214] E-Motion - Naughty North & The Sexy South ║
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║ Altered State was old cross-continent project started in 2000, and ║
║ resurrected 14 years later. Hat's off to the other members... . ║
║ Released for enjoyment, not for kudos. ║
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║ 19/08/2014 ║
Please Keep it For Continue Seeding and Help Others To Get Download