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║ Θ RELEASE NOTES ║█████████│██│██┌┘ └┐██└┤██│ │█████████│
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║ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ║
║ ALBUM ARTIST : Pete Tong & Boy George ║
║ TITLE : Dance Nation 4 ║
║ TRACKS : 29 ║
║ RELEASE DATE : 1997 ║
║ FORMAT : FLAC, Single tracks, seamless ║
║ RATING : You be the judge! ║
║ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ║
║ The fourth in a series of Dance Nation compilations mixed by the ║
║ likes of Boy George, Judge Jules and Pete Tong for Ministry of sound. ║
║ ║
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║ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ║
║ CD1 ║
║ ║
║ [101] Mighty Dub Katz - Magic Carpet Ride ║
║ [102] Ultra Naté - Free ║
║ [103] Fire Island - White Powder Dreams ║
║ [104] First Choice - The Player ║
║ [105] Bobby d'Ambrosio - Moment of my Life ║
║ [106] Double 99 - Rip Groove ║
║ [107] Dreamon - The Beat ║
║ [108] Revival 3000 - The Mighty High ║
║ [109] Jason Nevins - It's Like That ║
║ [110] Nalin & Kane - Beach Ball ║
║ [111] Pacific Melody - Airscape ║
║ [112] Slacker - Your Face ║
║ ║
║ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ║
║ CD2 ║
║ ║
║ [201] T-Total - Latina Acrylica ║
║ [202] Full Intention - Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground) ║
║ [203] BBG - Just Be Tonight ║
║ [204] The Age of Love - The Age of Love ║
║ [205] Global Trance Mission - Dream Mission ║
║ [206] Craig Jensen - Don't Go, Revisited ║
║ [207] Kinky Roland - Brazil ║
║ [208] Sunglasses Ron - Feel da Beat ║
║ [209] Naka - That's It ║
║ [210] Sash! - Ecuador ║
║ [211] D.A.F. - Battered ║
║ [212] Movin' Melodies - Rollerblade ║
║ [213] Shazzamm - Phunkee Muzeek ║
║ [214] Imajica - The Big Blue ║
║ [215] Joshua - Soul Fly ║
║ [216] Colein - Spreading the Light ║
║ [217] Amen ! UK - People of Love ║
║ ║
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║ Altered State was old cross-continent project started in 2000, and ║
║ resurrected 14 years later. Hat's off to the other members... . ║
║ Released for enjoyment, not for kudos. ║
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║ 22/08/2014 ║
Please Keep it For Continue Seeding and Help Others To Get Download